sunrise over an island with blue ocean, green grass, wild horses, and birds of prey
96A beautiful sunrise overlooking an island with lush green grass, wild horses, raptors (birds of prey) at flight, the beautiful blue ocean surrounding the island. Maybe a fresh water river that runs through the island, and gradually breaks into the ocean. And hills and mountains within the island as well. Any other animals also, as the artist see fit. Thank you!Whatever your minds eye get from my description, go with the wind baby. God Bless You!
the Statue of Liberty with broken handcuffs
193I would like the statue of liberty but, instead of the torch replace it with a handcuff key and a broken handcuff on that wristColor; Black & Red with Gold & Black crown. Above the statue in old english letters: “Black Liberty.”
creation of Adam by Michelangelo
195I would like a picture of the creation of Adam by Michaelangelo on the ceiling of the sistine chapel in Rome, Italy. Thank you.May I please have it in color. Thank you.
black male in a jail cell crying and thinking about 134 St in Harlem and his mom, baby sister and Latina girlfriend
104A Black male with dreads & muscles crying punching the wall of a jail cell. Thinking bout the streets of Harlem & his mother lil brother baby sister & older brother that past away while in jail & his Latina girlfriend. “The reason is that the 24 year old male that’s crying lost his loved ones cause his choice was the streets & now it hurts being away from both!”I would like the place of harlem to be 134 St or manhattanville projects on Amstredam Ave
Rottweiler puppy in front of his dog house with the name Rudy
62I would please like to see in the photograph, a “Rottweiler” puppy, or “California Pit Bull,” sitting in front of his dog house. With the name (Rudy) above the entrance to his dog house.That it be up close and detailed, please. Thank you.
old and new New York, with the Twin Towers, subway trains, 42nd Street, and the Statue of Liberty
102Statue of Liberty (center) whole page. Background, twin towers, (before and after 911) Background subway trains (old then new) Background 42 St. (old times square and new) Besides state of liberty everything else blended old to newEverything blended from old to new, statue stars same! Caption. Everything changes but you — Cause and effect of solitary confinement —
wild, natural countryside in Donegal, Ireland, where my grandparents are from
84Hello- I am writing because I heard about your photo program. I am in Pelican Bay SHU Short Corridor. I’ve been held in isolative conditions for 17 years. The image I would like is of Northern Ireland. Specifically Donegal. Any image of the wild, natural country there in donegal would be cherished. My grandparents and great grandparents are from there. Their stories of the place remain forever entrenched in my imagination and minds eye. I never took the time to seek out images of that far away land but, since being buried in SHU, I have longed to see it. I once had a dream of Donegal in which I was walking, barefoot, across the grass. I could literally feel the cool blades between my toes. As I woke, in my windowless cell, I felt a palpable sense of loss. It felt like I was underwater and drowning. In the waking moment I realized I’d be wading through time for the rest of my life. So, my request to you is for an image or photo of this beautiful land that haunts my dreams. I also want to thank you for your innovation. You’ve given choice to men who have lost the ability to choose. So thank you... With Respect, Patrick
Tamms Year Ten staff and volunteers
6I would like a picture of all the Tamms Year Ten staff and volunteers with a description of each persons name, who they are, and one thing about them individually like what kind of music they like, etc.No. Just have fun and tell me about it. Thank you.
Thank you for everything that you all are doing. It is appreciated very much.
Sincerely, Robert
Manhattan skyline with water, FDR Drive, tall buildings, people, and cars
69I would like a photograph of New York City skylines of manhattan, at night, to see the water, the FDR all tall buldings to see people, cars et, al, it reminds me when I was out 15 Years ago. I use to go, out a lot take long walks around the city.
combine these 3 photos so I can prove my innocence
3to whom it may may concern! how are you fine I hope, I would like to say thank you to you all for the work you all been doing for all of us at Tamms, I was in Tamms for over #11 years and every time you all wrote me I was very happy to hear from you all...I would also like to send my seasonal out to the family of Rep. Eddie Washington he is with God and I am should his blessing will be with us all. the stakes are high life doesn't get easier and we all no there are changes to be made, I know we are the write, director and actress in the move that is are life so we have to make it a Blockbuster Hit. I am doing everything I can to get out of here. I been in prison for over #21 years for something I didn't do so all I do is work on my case and fight for my freedom and life back. I am staying this because I see you all are asking us what Photos we will like to have. you all will take it for us. I would appreciate it to, but it's something I been trying to get help with for years and had no money to get it did. I have #3 Photos they use at my trial two my attorney use and one the state attorney use. I am trying to get all #3 Photos put on digital paper because the People's I have who going to do the computer enhancement for me is an expert. But I need the Photos on Digital paper. Do you all no who can do this for me? if so can they replace my photos they was going to do for me and do this for me it may help me show misidentifications and my innocence. I am in prison for a crime I didn't do or no about and I'm not going to stop my fight to show my innocence, they use a Photographer to take me to trial and arrest me that not me as you will see, I have wrote to you all about this before so you all will have a better understand what I'm talking about. I do not have no more copy's of the photographers so if you can't help me please can you send the photos back to me please I would appreciate it so much.....
photo collage of pyramids from all over the world
192If possible I would like a Photo Collage with Pyramids from all over the world including but not Limited to the Mayan, Egyptian, Sumerian, Babylonia Pyramid with the Center of the Photograph being the all seeing eye in the Center with the Phrase “To Dream is to be free” underneath it.Be Creative, when it comes to your Imagination Release your inhibitions, experience mental freedom!! and Thank you for this opportunity!!!!!!
Surya Bonaly in acrobatic sequence
219I would like to see a photograph of Soryah Bonally, the Afrikan acrobatic Ice Skater from France, in a fluid motion of her acrobatics on ice up-side down right side up twisting landing all in sequence in the photograph.As the movements take place have her in different outfits beginning with the colors Red, Black and Green over and over in each position.
what is there where the Robert Taylor Homes used to be
31Like to have some picture of 83rd State thru 43rd State where they have took down the project Robert Taylor Homes. I will like to see that area now. And a picture U.S. Cellular Field and female Dance. African American & white female just dance.
first lady Michelle Obama planting vegetables in the White House garden
42I would like to receive a photo of the first lady Michelle Obama planting vegetables in the White house garden. Thank you all very much for all the Love and support y’all have given me over the years. My God continue blessing y’all wonderful and caring hearts.Her standing around directing the children.
Kumbh Mela spiritual festival in India
189I would like to see ‘Kumbh Mela’ The worlds biggest spiritual festival in India. I want to see all these people celebrate (men and women) in the picture. I want to see people happy, laughing, smiling, and enjoying there time. I want the picture to be colorful. I want to see the festival going on around all these people too. Please + Thank YouMake sure you get the people face’s smiling and them enjoying there time. Also make sure it's colorful. Don’t crowd the picture with only people, put the festival around them in the picture. Please + Thank You
me in an amusement park with the wife and children I don’t have
185First, I would like to say hi. I would love to be around people that does not know me. I would love to have a wife, within the picture is a big amusement park and, we all having nice time. When done, get our face panted and we all take picture’s. Or, I would love to take the children out sike seeing. Just get a bus and try to make it all over the and, all of us take all kinds of pictures. To show I've been somewhere and, not always lock up.I love flower? can you put some where in the pictures please and would to say thank you. My Facebook name is my real name which is Christopher. I really appreciate it thank you.
Christmas tree in downtown Chicago or Tamms Year Ten in action for our cause
5A photograph of the Christmas tree downtown. (You'll never get this in time.) A photograph of all the volunteers of Tamms Year 10 rallying to our cause at the next meeting, protest, etc.If possible let me know who the people in the photo are and the context of the meeting.
Long Beach, CA, with skyline, fishing piers, Queen Mary, and maybe myself
119A scenery of a view from Long Beach, Cal. With the “Queen Mary” ship, some fishing piers and a downtown skyline. I am from Long Beach, Cal & miss my city. Include my picture if possible (photo enclosed) Thank you!To try to use actual views from the city if possible
my auntie’s house and the whole block of 63rd and Marshfield facing west between 2:00-4:00pm
23I want a photo of the whole block of 63rd and Marshfield, on the South Side in the Englewood community (the 6300 block of South Marshfield is where I’m from). And, I want it taken in the day time, like between two and four o’clock p.m. in the even. Make sure there’s a lot of people outside.(Pass out my name, address, and number to everyone outside on the block, and tell them it’s information to “D-man.”) Yes. I want the picture taken while there’s a lot of (or at least some) people standing around outside on the block. It’s a green and white duplex-like house (the only green and white house on the block) that my auntie “Gibby” live in. Let the people outside know that the picture is for “D-Man” (my nickname). And, I want the picture taken from the sidewalk (that’s leading to the T-shape alley going towards Ashland and 63rd) in front of the alley, facing slightly towards 64th and Marshfield. But, make sure majority of the west side of the block gets pictured.
Jesus with his hands held out, weeping
86I would really like to have a picture of Jesus with his hands held out and of him weeping= I’d like to have any real nice picture of christ= a 9 by 11 would be nice.Please send it as big as possible to hang on my cell wall = Thanks.
sunset overlooking the Temple of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico
78I would like a photograph of “Temple of the Sun” Teotihuacan. Its in Mexico. I would love to see a beautiful sun-set over looking the “Temple of the Sun”.
Also sending a photo of my daughter.Can you add my daughters picture to the “Temple of the Sun” and the sun-set? Maybe in the background some how blend it all together. I always wanted to sit on top of this temple with my daughter and talk and look at the sunset together.
Thank you very much. I do appreciate it. :)
the complete view from the top of the World Trade Center
191The complete view from the top of the World Trade Center (if possible if no, the best view)
Mexican saint Santa Muerte, sort of a female grim reaper
120Id like an inlarged picture of the Santa Muerte. Its my families belief that if you give her flowers she finds favor in you. Shes a saint in Mexico. Many worship her shes looks sorta like the female version of the grim reeper.Please make her big. Id like her to be with flowers at her feet. Remember shes a skeleton with a robe Green & Red surounded by flowers.
picture of Mecca
180I would like a picture of: Mecca I am muslimYes if you are able please make it poster size
winter night with a wolf pack in the snow and a white wolf howling at the moon
99A winter night scene, with a full moon shining off the snow. Trees in the back ground. And a pack of gray wolves standing just out side the trees in the snow, and their pack leader AN ALL WHITE WOLF, on a plateau, howling at the full moon. To me, wolves represent “FREEDOM” and so does the wilderness...I just want the photograph to represent “freedom”
3 females in 80s attire in the hood
1973 females in 80s attire, in the hood!Take the photo on the stoop of a brownstone, if possible?
myself in a gym with weights around me
79Can you please crop me out of this one picture and put me in a GYM with weights around me?
comic book superheroes and villains locked in battle of good vs. evil
4I don’t know if this like an artist drawing a picture if so I got into the whole superhero thing and I had this idea where two major comic marvel/DC it’s a mural with Thor, Captain America, Wolverine, Venom, Iron Man, Hulk team up with Superman, Green Arrow, Flash, and Batman against These Two face, Joker, Magneto, Dr Doom, Saber Tooth, Kingpin, Green Goblin: A Battle Good-vs-evil theme.Just a couple i has to be fully in color also can I have a copy?
Jesus and the Devil fighting in an arena amidst angels and mini devils
118Respectfully and kindly I would like to request a master piece of Jesus and the Devil fighting, “getting into a hot messy physical altercation? Pitchfork’s and crosses, angels flying and little mini devils all in the back round. They fighting in a stoned arena”If possible that it’s detailed as possible and it’s noted: I respect religion, but never seen such a drawing, and believe it take a wonderful artist to do such a piece
Lovers Point on the Monterey Peninsula as the sun is setting or rising
122“Lover’s point” as the sun is setting or rising.Lovers point is located in the Monterey Peninsula
my three-year-old daughter, “Daddy’s Angel”
77Can the photograph be a photo of my daughter? “Daddy's Angel”
lion facing off against an elephant in the wild
165I would like for it to be [enlightened] in a comprehensive way. I want it to be intuitive and intellectual as well. The picture should consist of a big lion with a bushy mane, in a war stance predatorily facing a big elephant: with no fear! In a place, too, that they would naturally meet. Habitat wise.As realistic as possible. Please
fall scene with sunflowers and all the colors of fall
202A fall scene, with leaves on the ground, maybe a winding road or wooden fence (brown) with all the colors of fall involved. If sunflowers are possible that would be better.visual sun-rays if possible
Times Square with a tiger in a boxing ring
190Photographs of Time Square with the fork in middle. Drawing black & yellow tiger in a boxing ring. Pair of boxing gloves on the canvas.The photo of time square would be good been down 20 years Mayor Guilliani tore down time square with the zoning law. I love New York.
lovesick clown holding a feathered pen
48A love sick clown holding a old fashioned feathered pen as if writing a letter from the waist up in black and white.As close up as possible. As much detail as possible & the face about 4 inches big. Thank you for your time.
rising or setting moon with lightning bolts
82Personally I really miss seeing the moon & picturesque moon scene for me would be at huge rising or setting moon at night maybe w/lightning bolts! Both the mood and the rain are missed deeply! =( Thanx! =)Please try to catch an image that would inspire even yourself! =) Have fun and be safe! Thanx!
countryside with the simple things we take for granted
157Photo or Picture of “countryside, flowers & trees” The Simple Things We take for granted: The countryside, flowers & trees, sunshine, fresh-air & a cool breeze... Soaking in a hot tub or bubble bath, while the kids play, hearing them laugh... Being there for family & friends, extending love that never ends... The freedom to take a walk or go for a drive, appreciating being alive!!!
male lion and his four cubs, representing my children and me
158I would LOVE a photo of a “Adult Male Lion & Four Cubs.” It will represent: “Me as the father and my three sons and one daughter.” Again; Please have someone draw me a (picture/photograph) of a lion and 4-cubs..., And yes I am talking about the (Animals) of a male lion with his four cubs because my family calls me “The Crying Lion” and I love my kids — (my cubs) and I will protect them with my life.(Yes), Please place (4) tear-drops under the right eye of the male adult lion and (1) tear-drop under each of the right eye of each cub... "This is a must.” Please!
women, beach, sand, ocean, sky, and bikinis
172I would like to request a photo of women on the beach, sand, ocean, sky and bikinisWomen, beach, sand, ocean, sky and bikinis
mountain range and green valley with creek, waterfall, melting snow, and deer
81I would like to see a mountain range with green valley...with a creek and small waterfall down the middle. Perhaps a little ice/snow left from winter turning to spring. Is this possible? Maybe a few deer (doe) with a buck majestically poised.
Brooklyn Bridge at night, glowing in the dark
113I would like to request a picture of the ‘Brooklyn Bridge’ at night time.I just would like to get a clear photograph of the Brooklyn Bridge at night time with cars coming across showing it glowing in the dark.
picture of someone who will write to me
49I would like a picture of someone who will write me back and communicate with me. (Like a friend). The person can be anybody. They can be male or female and I’m not concerned with physical appearance so much as I am with what’s on the inside. (I haven’t seen a camera that can take a picture of that.)
a man in shackles looking out a black window with caskets in the background
214This is what I want for my photo: a man in chains and shackles looking out a black window with tears in his eyes with caskets in the background with loss of mental emotional psychological and physical deaths and loss of family too walking away with prison officials laughing. Yes this is not a white black hispanic things this is a human thing and a mental slavery.
Lady Gaga, Mickey Mantle, armored car
215I would like a close up picture of Lady GAGA in black + white and the same of Mickey Mantle! Also an armored car filled with cash, + painted in the colors of the rainbow, + the grimm reaper driving, I like Lady GAGA best.I’d like to know his/her name, if possible a picture of him/her, yes! Possible?
trash can with two eyes peeking out rolling toward incinerator with caption: “I must be headed for bright future”
43At 66 yrs. of age I try to use a little humor: I want a picture of a trash can with the lid half off + on a 2 eyes peeking out of the half open lid as the trash can is rolling down the hill toward an incinerator with the caption: “I seem to be picking up speed I must be headed towards a bright future.”My federal number is: [redacted]. I was in Florence CO. so if you could get a picture of me in the Feds and in the state Max joints you could caption both: “From Max to Max and no end in sight.”
blue rose held in a vase or hand with Perseids meteor shower in as background
85A blue rose — cut with all its leaves remaining — held in a crystal/clear vase or a hand and if possible, the Perseids meteor shower as a background.If the blue rose will be held in a hand please have that hand be a young person’s and shown only up to mid forearm.
Tokyo Drift on the beach from her Instagram
218I would like an photograph of an person her name is Tokyo Drift you can go on her Instagram @theoriginaltokyodrift you can get any picture off her Instagram but I would like it if you will get an photo of her on the beach.Go to Instagram @theoriginaltokyodrift and get an nice photo when she at the beach.
flags of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh
176I’m looking for a cloudy white background with the flag of Pennsylvania State in the middle, the flag of the city of Philadelphia on the right of the flag of Pennsylvania State and the flag of the city of Pittsburgh on the left of the flag of Pennsylvania State. Under each flag I will like letters in the Roman A.D. 500 writting styles all in capitals as follows: N — Under the philly flag, S — Under the Pennsylvania flag and U — Under the Pittsburgh flag. The back of the photo I will like written in the today cursive style: “Oct. 7th, 2017 at Sci-Rockview, By: True aka Dro (Pedro Figueroa) — Founded and Created.”Please have the photo clear with a scatch resistant coating on back sides
myself on the Brooklyn Bridge with two little girls, dropping my shackles into the river
110I would like to see myself standing on the Brooklyn Bridge with two (2) little girls at my side with a smile on my face, droping the shackles into the Hudson river.Freedom written in the sky
old friend of mine looking pretty
17I would like to request a up to date photograph of a old friend of mine who use to be a member of the Tamms Year Ten by the name of Laurie Jo Reynolds.Just make her look pretty.
fallen autumn leaves
52Dear Band of Brothers: My photo request is simple, yet, very poignant for me. I’d very much appreciate any photos of fallen autumn leaves. I have no particular preference of area or location; just any scene focusing on the beauty of autumn leaves, (which, as you know, we do not have access to in the concrete box that is deemed as “yard” here.)Thank you for “shedding your blood” with me, and proving your “manhood” is not cheap.
holy sights in Jerusalem
170Holy sights in Jerusalem
instead of a picture, just try talking to me
184I've been in solitary confinement for the past “Five” years “Ive lost my "mother”, my daughters mother, “my Grandmother” my “GodBrother” and my “moms sister”, all in the past few years. Do you know or have any idea what that feels like dealing with that and being in solitary confinement with “no” one out there to talk to any more? If you really want to help, why don't youJust try talking to me...“hows that picture”...
red sky at sunset off the coast of Southern California
64I was arrested when I was 17 years old, and I have been in prison for over 30 yrs.; 20 yrs. of that was spent in solitary confinement, 90% of which I did in the windowless cells of Pelican Bay State Prison. In that barren wasteland memories served to stimulate the mind, and one of the images that I would often recall was the red sun lit sky at sunset on the Southern California coast. Growing up it was one of my favorite sights, and the dream of seeing it once again was a welcomed respite from the emptiness of the SHU.8"×10" are the largest photos allowed in.
man being released from prison, not knowing what road to choose to survive
114I would like to see a man getting released from prison with $40.00 in his pocket with no family and no support after doing so many years in prison. Confuse with himself and don’t know which road to choose to survive out there in the world. Now, it ain’t easy with $40.00 dollars in your pocket and going to shelter with more drugs in a shelter than there’s in the streets. So, in other words there’s many roads in front of you to choose from, wether they’re good or bad. For example this is the roads that are presented to you when you leave prison. Lonely, confuse, no money and no hope it's a big thing for a human being getting released out of prison specially from SHU.. (illustration of human with roads that are labeled “Positive” “Negative” and “Death or back to Prison.”
my mother in front of mansion or castle with a Hummer and money on the ground
32This person: my mother standing in front of a mansion, or big castle with a bunch of money on the ground. OR if can’t do that, THEN substitution is a big mansion, or castle with a bunch of money in front of it and a black hummer parked in front of it.I truely appreciate this alot. I been trying to get a picture of this for along time now. I appreciate this alot to. Thank You!
beautiful women laughing and playing volley ball on the beach in “free Raul” t-shirts
210I would like to see some beautiful women having fun on the beach. I would like to see some women laughing having a nice conversation in part of the photograph and another part of the photograph I would like to see women playing volleyball on the beach. I would love to see the ocean in the background. I would like the photograph to be real colorful. But the women must be beautiful. Maybe a written message on the photograph or something telling me to stay strong, have faith, never give up, and keep your head up always. Also if possible I am innocent and wrongly accuse t-shirts and free Raul t-shirts.Can you have some of the women real close-up on the photograph? I want the photograph to be real sharp and bright. Well not too bright. Also can the size of the photograph be a 10 x 15 or maybe a little bigger. I want to be able to see everything. Please some beautiful women. Thank you.
world of opportunities on the outside, and a clock with no hands for the years in prison
98I would like to incorporate in my photo family, my marriage on a beach w/ sand when I get out, a clock w/ no hands for the years in here. A shattered heart, education (maybe a pile/stack of books). Or a person looking at a bookshelf full of books and on each spine something I want to do when I get out, a world of endless opportunities when given a chance. Hope this can give you a framework to work with.Be open, candid and let your artistic talent run wild w/ imagination and creativity.
happy kids eating in a fast food joint, or a table full of fast food
112Kids eating in a fast food joint like (e.g. McDonalds) smiling: looking hungry and having a great time, OR just a table full of fast food (e.g. fries, burgers, a shake or soda, pie, etc.)
New York City skyline at night with bridges, subway trains, and landmarks
121To: Photo Requests from Solitary (N.Y.C.L.U.) Date: Feb 4th, 2014 I am writing to request photos as I’ve been informed by N.Y.C.L.U. I have been in solitary going on one year, and I am from the NYC area — Manhattan & Queens. What I would like photos of — is the NYC skyline, preferably at night with bridges included. Also, I would like to see trains (the subway), and any landmarks. I thank you for your time and hopefully my request can be granted. Respectfully, R. Bliss
sunset in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with rays of light piercing the clouds
74I would greatly enjoy seeing a picture of a beautiful sunset taken from somewhere out in the middle of the Pacific ocean. To experience the full spectrum of all the unique colors given off by the sun as its rays pierce the clouds towards the end of a beautiful day at sea. Thank you! SRPlease provide me a geographical location where in the Pacific ocean the photo was taken from a ship or Island.
me carrying my aunt through a field of flowers
147This is a picture of me and my aunt. Can you draw a picture of me carrying her through a field of flowers? Can you draw her wearing a white dress with “R.I.P” somewhere on the picture so that the white dress is not confused for a wedding dress? Your more the appreciated, Thank you.You can throw the picture of me in the trash when your done but please send the picture of my aunt back to me. And I suggest that you keep from using words like “solitary watch” on the envelope because words like that usually don't make it in or out of prison. Thank you.
bald Afrikan man hugging “red nose” pit bull and a Afrikan little girl with dreds hugging the man
213I would like to see in my photograph a man hugging a pitbull. Afrikan man bald head, bald face in a tank top, hugging a “Red nose” pitbull (female pitbull). In the background a little girl hugging the Afrikan man. Afrikan little girl with dred locks about 6 yrs old. On the beach sun in the sky water rushing into the beach, sand, with picnic in front of the little girl. Make sure the man is of Afrikan descent. Make sure the sun is shinning on the water and the water has blue clear water. Last make sure the little girl is hugging the Afrikan man and the man is hugging the pitbull.
nice summer day with blue sky, sunshine, trees, grass, flowers, and birds
80Heres what I would like to see in my photo: a nice summer day, Blue sky with lots of sun shining down on trees, grass, flower and perhaps small animals such as birds etc. That is what I'd like to see, Being in solitary confinement with no window or any view of the outside world, I tend to forget what if looks like. Whats funny is that right now its summer time, Yet, I feel as if I’m still waiting for summer since this place obstructs the sun from shining through, Everyday seems like a gray gloomy day. So a picture with the scene I described will be appreciated.I trust your discretion. :)
aerial shot of my hometown in PA, to walk around in my mind
155An aerial shot of my hometown, so I can day dream and walk around in my mind. My hometown is in Lozerne County PA. right outside of Wilkes-Barre. So a whole aerial view of Wilkes Barre would be nice.No instructions, just a very big Thank You. If you could pull that off, it will be very much appreciated.
Goshen, CA, the small farm town I grew up in
83I would love a picture of the small farm town I grew up in. It’s name is “Goshen, California." In California’s rural central valley. Just south of Fresno. Possibly a Google Globe picture of the neighborhood, railroad tracks, church, fields . . . . This was my home & brings back so many childhood memories Thank You!
beautiful woman in underwear who I can dream of as my future wife
154Yes, I’ll request an photograph picture of a woman that I could cherish like my dream, wife. As having an realistic picture of her. No physically nude picture but could show everything behind panties & bares as long as it’s camouflage I would like a photograph picture of a beautiful goddess. As an queen. In under garments!!! That simply seem as though her panty & bare are painted on. The goddess body. Were to she is the most beautiful; “female;" that was every to be seen from head to toe. Meaning long hair; pretty face & nice juicy lip’s; big breasts; thick waist. With skinny hips & an phat butt. That match her thigh and small pretty feet. Which is a picture of my future wife. Modeling for me! To be a realistic picture feathering a woman.Yes a beautiful sensational scenery. With an ocean backdrop. To represent Hawaii; Island. With a beautiful model. That have the body of Kim Kardashan or Nicki Munja in nothing but panties & bare
ocean and skyline as seen from the boardwalk at dusk
168Looking at the ocean and skyline from the boardwalk just when its starting to get dark out side“make it real”
Aztec Sun-Stone calendar from Mexico’s National Museum of Anthropology
34The Aztec Sun-Stone Calendar (stone of the fifth sun) its a basaltic disk abut 12 feet in diameter weighs about 24 metric tons its the center piece in Mexicos National Museum of AnthropologyNothing specific just a close up picture of this massive carving so I can try to see all the details of it.
the Mexican flag at sunrise in the Zocalo in Mexico City
28I would like a picture of the Mexican flag at sunrise, at the Zocalo, in the capitol of Mexico City; while the sun is rising and it hits the Mexican flag un-furled, with the Zocalo in the foreground.Yes, please let it be the best color picture of the Mexican flag flying with the Zocalo glowing at sunrise. Thank you for this. Sergio
pyramids of Chichen Itza with art sculptures
66I would like to see a photograph of the pyramids of Chichén Itzá, in Southern Mexico, and art sculptures on or around the pyramidsTo catch anything cultural relevant to the pyramids or the people of Maya decent.
ordinary woman, full of love and compassion, with a smile as bright as the sun
125A face-shot of a woman with a smile that shines as bright as the sun. Not a model type but an everyday ordinary woman who, perhaps, enjoys every moment of life. Who is not bias or judgmental towards anyone but full of love & compassion for everyone & everything.The photograph should capture the essence of love for humanity and the woman should be looking into the camera, not away.
Genesse Street in downtown Waukegan, IL
25I would like a picture of downtown Waukegan, IL located in Lake County, IL. Best place to photograph would be Genesse St.
3 modern people in prison garments chained and crucified with defiant female messiah
222The person must be 3 people 1 white man, 1 black woman, 1 hyspanic man, the location is a desert and the three people should be chained to a Ankh “☥” like Christ and the thief, and murder on the cross. The difference is they will be modern day people from our society being crucified by the system on the Ankh. A white man with no T-shirt tatted up in (orange) jail pants, and the female shall be the new black messiah she will be chained on the Ankh in the middle with a barbered wire crown on her long braids that are drenched in blood and flowing down her prison garments. The hyspanic prisoner will be just like the white prison with no tattoos, and only dark shades on covering his eyes. The female messiah will be looking up at the sky and there will be mountains in the distance where the sun will be slowly setting. But her face must look defiant and fearless in the face of adversity!! And above them in Biblical text but modern wording will be the following. “Before we were called revolutionaries we were called messiahs. Even now they continue the fight against the black messiah” -Book of the Zedek verses one
pond with a family of ducks, or some pitbulls, or people on the subway
67A pond with a family of ducks in it or some pitbulls or a picture of people on a subway.Try to get close-up pictures because I want someone here to draw it for me bigger! (The picture).
Virgin Mary holding Jesus who is holding the world in his hands
93I William am requesting photograph. I would like; the Virgin Mary - holding, Jesus Christ, her son in her arms and Jesus Christ; and is holding the world in his hand.
Thank you. 7-28-13.Please do the best you can all I can say,
anything but the Devil
94There was nothing I wanted to see. It’s what I didnt want to see no more of. The devel, everywhere I look the devel was there, eye’s horns’ teeth, face, had me on meds I didnt need.Devel, eyes - horn’s - teeth face skole you no what I saw.
happy and peaceful beach scene in an exotic place
111A pleasant place, beautiful & exotic, like the Virgin Island or Bahamas, is something we don’t see in prison. I’d like a picture like that, where I can see people who are worry & stress free. A place that looks happy & peaceful with beautiful sands & crystal blue water’s where you can even see the fish swimming.No specific instruction, except no polaroids please!
vigil to The Bald Knob Cross to pray for my deliverance from Tamms and for my parole
14“The Bald Knob Cross” in the Southern area of Illinois with someone of the Christian faith going there praying for me with the Grand Cross in the picture, praying that I am released from Tamms and that I make parole. I’ve been locked up 36 long years, and time in Tamms is hindering my chances of making parole! I am asking for corporeal intercessory prayers for my release from Tamms being initiated by this person and that Bald Knob Cross and the chain will cause my family and others to go there too.Be sure to kindly include the “Bald Knob Cross” in the picture and to pray for my release from Tamms and to make parole. My family and church will also finish linking the chain of this event to symbolically start praying me out of Tamms. Please join in too!
[note on the back] Persistently offering prayers combined with solemn earnest efforts and devoted work does change things. God plus Tamms Year Ten is a dynamic team. Thank you!
man looking into a mirror, in despair after 15 years in solitary confinement
91An inmate standing and looking into a mirror and see a frail, eyes sunken with pain and tears rolling down his face, while holding a past photo of himself smiling, hair combed, primped, healthy looking. The cell in disarray, 2 food trays not eaten. A calendar depicting 15 years in S/C. a CO voice coming through the cell door saying “no mail again”. In the trash can showing a discarded Bible.The photograph should depict a scene of despaired, depression, given up on life, physically, mentally and spiritually. The cell door should be made out of cinder blocks.
view from my childhood bedroom window, or some cherry blossoms
178I grew up in Bed-Stuy in Brooklyn, 93 Lewis Ave, #12F. I would look out my bedroom window and dream about the world from my high perch, or at night I would wish upon stars. Getting to see the view from there or even the roof again would be incredible. I did send the current residents a letter but never got a response. An easier option would be a photo of cherry blossoms. They remind me of the impermanence of life as well as the beauty in it.With the cherry blossoms, it would be awesome if there was a pond, creek or river behind them. If you’re able to take one from the building, it should be towards the front of it.
coal-black man with exaggerated facial features and an ancient slave chain in map of NJ
177My Vision I need the world to see... A Black man held in captivity. Vision: I want to see a coal-black man with very strong exaggerated facial features with an ancient slave chain & collar around his neck. If possible, have him coming out of the map of New Jersey (An out line) of the state of N.J. Please incorporate gun towers, barbed wire, brick wall, chain & shackles in the collage with the words: “Here we remain, yesterday's urban guerillas, abandoned in captivity.” — Ojore LutaloUse your own touch and creative vision. I would like a splash of red, black, and green in the photograph. Maybe a bit of an Afrikan theme. Thank you very much. Can't wait to see our vision and creation.
Chicago sky line at dusk
37I'd like a picture of the Chicago sky line. If possible, I'd like it taken when the sun is down. Dusk. Thank you.To capture as much of the sky line as possible, and to photograph the lake side of the skyline. (The side facing the water)
incarcerated zombie facing abuse from prison staff
153An unit that has a TV placed on the wall, and in the middle of the unit is a square cage with a table inside of it. Zombie in blue inmate uniform; a guard spraying a inmate in his cell with pepper spray, the zombie taken medication, eating process food; a conciousness man running from a psychologist and psychopathic guards whome is trying to electric shock him, shut him with psychotropic drug, LSD, vaccination to deteriorate the capacities of his brain. An man standing at his cell door with his blanket over his head, because it very cold.Make the photograph have a abstract taste to it.
five-pointed star with a triangle and an all-seeing eye in the center
97A red 5-pointed star, with a triangle in the center of it, with an all seeing eye inside of it...I am from Chicago and know about Tamms... I am now doing a 2yr SHU, because my homophobic cellmate died in a cell fight...
the Philadelphia Eagles winning the Super Bowl
212If possible could I get 2? I’m sending a picture of the Philadelphia Eagles winning the championship. I’m a die hard Eagles fan. 2) I would love a picture of you guys smiling because it’s beautiful individuals like y'all that make individuals like myself smile from day to day. Nope. If they could color Eagles picture I’ll appreciate it.
myself, age 62, in a cell, yearning for release from 25 years in solitary
160I'll like to see me a 62 yr male with salt/pepper beard looking at the cell window as life pass me by, 25 years in solitary confinement, with my hands rise to the sky stating when do I get a chances, I've taking every program to get out of solitary only to be denied.Just make me look in despair, depressed, lonely but humble and respectful.
man in a solitary cell, in tears while looking at a photo of his son
101A man in a S.H.U cell, sitting on the floor with his back to the wall, looking at a picture of his son with tears coming down his face.Make sure the man has one hand holding his head and his face shows extreme stress, sorrow, and sadness
Pope Francis sitting on a bench with oak tree behind him praying for my release
150A photo of Pope Francis sitting in a garden with one big oak tree behind him as he sits on a bench, praying. This way I will know that someone is praying for my release, as well as loves me for who I am this day!The pope has to look like he is praying.
wise old man with an angry expression
151I’d like to see an aged man. Though w/ much strength and larger than life. A full white beard and full head of white hair, indicating much acquired wisdom. From the nostrils I would like to see 2 thick clouds of smoke, one from each nostril, as the smoke gives off an irritation. An expression of anger w/ a brown complexion, but glowing as a halo's light (said of the skin). Only a head shot, no body. The background should be of the sky, w/ clouds of a nice day.The image I relay is of my witnessing of God (in theory). The image is taken from the Holy Bible, the Book of Isaiah Ch. 65:5. And thank you very very much!!
wide grassy valley full of bright colorful flowers and small and large butterflies in bright 11am sun
200A wide grassy valley with bright colorful flowers sorounded by small and large colorful butterflies feeding and fluttering under a cloudless sky with a bright 11 o’clock sun.
entrance of Cypress Hills housing project in Brooklyn on corner of Sutter and Euclid Ave on sunny day
216I would like to see a picture taken of my projects Cypress Hills. I would like to see everyone who’s walking around during the summer day, and see if there was any new changes in the last 5 years.If possible can you take the picture from the entrance (The beginning not the inside/from the street curb) on the corner of Sutter and Euclid ave. There should be a gas station directly across the street. It’s called the front side that’s where I live.
the Stone Archway in the Back of the Yards neighborhood, last remaining thing from Union Stockyards
40A picture of the stone archway in the Back of the Yards neighborhood located at 40th and Exchange St; between Halsted and Racine St. on the South Side. It’s the last remaining thing from the Union Stockyards.I use to climb up on this structure as a kid; a few angles of it taken from different directions. I am not limited to any photo amounts.
the Puerto Rican flag
27I would like to receive a photograph of a “8 × 10” Puerto Rican Flag. Thank you in advance!I have enclosed with this request a wallet size picture of myself so you can place it on your website.
beach house with woman and children on the porch
163I would like to see a house with a wrap around porch on a beach front looking over the ocean. with a woman and 3 children a boy and 2 girls. on the beach with a huge heart made in the sand.I can only have pictures made with colored pencils & crayons. And I know you said this may take many months. But would really like to have before I get out in Dec. 2018 Thank You.
incarcerated black man with his mind bound in shackles
182A Black man inside a prison cell, sitting on his bunk with tears streaming down his face, with the top of his head opened as to see inside his thoughts, with a little black man, nude with shackles on his hands and ball and chain on his ankle.I want “Modern day slavery, is slavery no matter the place or time, Shackles is made out of steel,” written on the portrait.
Barclay Center in downtown Brooklyn, to feel as if I am right there
92I would love to see the #1 thing I've not been blessed to see as of yet Barclay Center in downtown Brooklyn. It’s been built since my incarceration. It just shows the way life still goes on & grows while we are away.I just want to see it the best way the photographer can capture it. To way I feel as I'm right there. #Brooklyn we go hard.
a little boy and girl at the piano with a single red rose
41I would like a photographer to capture the image of a little boy and girl, sitting side by side, on a piano bench, the two of them playing the piano together, with a single bright red rose on the piano keys. (Sort of, in honor of Kim Anderson’s fantastic, classic black and white love photos.) If possible, make sure the kids are anywhere from 3–7 years old, dressed in their Sunday best...It shall be a romantic photo, which I hope to give to my wife.Same as above, with the exception that I would be grateful if I could be provided with an 8 × 10 copy of the completed photo?...
rose growing out of a crack in the concrete floor with my whole birth name on the back prison walls
199Draw a Rose growing out of the crack of a concrete pavement; with a window of a Prison Bars looking in on the red Rose growing out of the cracks of the concrete pavement. Then write a message on top of the picture; stating only the strong survive! This is a subliminal message of my conscious perception of the Solitary Watch inmates behind Prison Bars.Make sure that the sun rays shine through the Prison window Bars in on the Red Rose thats coming out of the cracks of a concrete pravement; Also put my name within the Back round walls of the picture, (My Whole Birth name).
the Ka’aba, the Holy Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, at sunrise or under a full moon
46The Ka’aba — The Most Holy Islamic Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. 8" × 10"Please try to do it with either a brilliant colorful sky in the background at sunrise or under a full moon during Ramadan celebration. Thank you!
man walking out of prison with quotation: “An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere”
105I like to see a man walking out a prison door, only looking back to say — “an injustice anywhere, is a injustice everywhere.” The great words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.As the man is stepping out the door — he is quoting these words!
Masonic temple in Washington, DC
50I would like to see pictures of the Masonic temple in DC.
the entire Barclay Center
209I would like a picture of the Barclay Center. I am a huge fan of the Brooklyn Nets basketball team.Just send me a picture of the entire building I never been there for any event, I would like to enjoy the showcase one day. Thanks for your support!
Almighty God standing over ancient sites destroyed by Isis in Syria
186May I please have a picture of ALMIGHTY GOD. Not the prophets or my Lord JESUS CHRIST or prophet Muhammad OK? Thank you very much. I would like to see THE ALMIGHTY standing in Syria where ISIS forces destoryed that anciet collsium. And the Goddess ISIS crying.
people from Chicago during downtown rush hour
55This might seem like a crazy request but I would like a picture of people from the city. It’s been a long time since ive seen someone from home. Nothing special, just a flick of alot of people most likely Downtown Rush HourJust want to thank he/she in advance for taking time out of their day to do something for us guys in need. Thank You God Bless
cabin in the woods with my daughter and grandson
73cabin in the wood’s with my 24 Year’s old Daughter and my 5 Year's old Grandson my mom looken at animal’s tree’s Brid’s Deer Fishen that would be realy nices I thank you all verey much for your supportwhat ever you comeup with will Be wounderfull
You see what I see
I see waht you see
I beleve
young black man trapped in a basement hollering with light shining down on him
220Would like a young black man trapped in a basement tryin to get out him hollering out the door and its a light shining down on him: That means 2 me people hear my cries in solitary confinement but they don’t do anything about it the whole world should know how solitary confinement is deteriorating my mental health everyday.Not really but if ya’ll need a picture of me 2 draw I can send it to ya’ll
Black man experiencing the pain of solitary confinement as modern slavery
140“A picture of a black middle age man living in a modernized solitary confinement cell sitting on the bunk with the top of his head opened showing the same man inside with no clothes on and a ball and chain attached to his ankle with tears running down his face depicting no matter how modern it looks the effects will always reflect slavery.”“If you displaying it in the museum, I want the viewing audience to be able to realize no matter what we’re doing or how it appears we still see solitary confinement as modern slavery.”
sun rising over a lake or ocean with water the most prominent feature and no people or animals
196A sun rising over the water of a lake or ocean with the beach visible. No people or animals in the picture. Trees or other plants can be added if the artist believes it would be better for the landscape. THANK YOU.I’m from Erie, PA (of Lake Erie). So, the water should be the most prominent feature. “Erie, Pennsylvania's Betrayal of Child” by Ricardo can be read/downloaded for free at:
people voting for unity, equality, and justice
175I would like to see these thoughts leaving my head going skyward into a picture of the legislative, judicial and executive branches which expresses key ideas to hold office within the U.S.A. as (under and around) me, people are in droves in support of these thoughts, vowing to collectively “vote” to make these thoughts reflect our reality. **Requester also attached a drawing and possible thoughts to use. Thoughts include: equal pay established, 13th amendment abolished, everyone created equal, solitary confinement abolished, equal healthcare, socialism adopted, political parties abolished, capitalism abolished, love required, equal education, sexism abolished, racism abolished, class struggle abolished, equal opportunity established. With Unity, Trust and Thoughts from Solitary.**I’d ask for the masses of people around me to be diverse and all inclusive of the millions of immigrants that call the U.S.A. home. Thank you
several photos of the Flatbush Junction area of Brooklyn
71I wish to have a few pictures of the Flatbush-Junction Area. In particular from Nostrand Avenue by Glenwood Road through Nostrand Avenue and Flatbush Avenue Intersection, then where the streets split (again) at Flatbush Avenue between Avenues H and Avenue I, plus Nostrand Avenue between Avenue H and Avenue I. Please take photos of all encompassing areas, thank you.Yes. Please include pictures of the new Shops, Department Stores, Franchises, Banks, Subway Stations, Etcetera. Everything mentioned is in Flatbush, Brooklyn. Thanks.
superhero Black Panther with Philadelphia skyline (or the street sign from my block) behind him
207I would like to see a photograph of the superhero Black Panther with the Philadelphia skyline behind him or the street sign of the block I lived on behind him (65th St + Greenway Ave).Only to know that they are greatly appreciated for making this photograph for me. THANK YOU!
me strapped to train tracks that represent solitary, with people ignoring me
156A man strapped to train tracks, oncoming train. A busy street with pedestrians on their cell phones passing by as if I’m not there, a pile of letters/greeting cards lying next to me. People engaging in other leisure activity while I’m about to die. Artist woud have to somehow make viewer know that the tracks represent solitary maybe write along the side of the tracks 23/1 etc.Not really. It just really bothers me that people send cards/letters or don’t mind at all when solitary is really torture.
the sun, moon, and stars around aviator shades
203I would love to see an actual photo of the:
1) Sun;
2) Moon;
3) Stars;
Surrounded by a pair of “glasses” (aviator shades) with “red” tint. I would like the “sun-moon & stars” to surround the “glasses” like this: [drawing] with the “glasses” peaking out the center.Yes! See above; and please add this title:
1) “B’hnid da shades;
artistically drawn/written above the “sun”.
apple tree with squirrel, rainbow, and blue sky
149An apple tree, grass around it with a squirrel running pass it. A rainbow above the tree blue background sky with the sun shinning down and a bird flying in the sky.”
strong Puerto Rican Black man in a bedroom with my name across his chest
109I want a well endowed strong Puerto Rican and Black man, laying in a exrotic bedroom with nothing on but some boxer berif holding a firm and hard (arousal) in his shorts along his legs, waiting for me to come home with hazel grey/hreen eyes. my name across his chest. Must have a 12 pack on his stomache.I want to believe he loves me and is thinking about me only me coming home.
cliffside in Yosemite National Park, God’s wilderness
161I would absolutely love to see a photograph of Yosemite national park with the cliff side ‘the captain’ in it, for in Gods wilderness lies the hope of the world. Thank you so very much :)In its hues of pinks I think it is the most beautiful
man looking through prison bars to see the Twin Towers burning and baby angels
108I am requesting the following: Being that alot of us are solitary confinement for 1 or 2 years alot of us think about our love ones and some of us think of the family we lost in 911 (like myself!) I would to see a person face’s with bars around him, looking up and seeing the world tread center on fire on one side and the other with baby angels. PS. Yes I lost my mother + father in 911. Thank you KikoThe only specific instructions or: Just alot of colors to bring it out!
a dove
211My new picture would simply be redemption, resurrection not a phoenix rising maybe a dove. I had suffered caused so much pain and a rising offer of peace could be anywhere close.
my own DOC picture done with an alternate background, something simple like a blue sky
39I would like my own picture done with an alternate backround from the picture. I have no pictures of myself to give my friends and family. This would mean a great deal to me. If this is not able to be done then I’ll leave the picture for you to decide.If you can place my picture on another backround. Nothing too much please. Something simple like a blue sky with clouds or a sunset in the distance would be fine.
new World Trade Center buildings, taken from a nearby rooftop
89I would like to receive a photo of the new world trade center buildings, in whatever stage of rebuilding they’re in. A nice view from a nearby building would be nice.Could the photographer take the photograph from a nearby rooftop
police bowing down to revolutionary activists
201I would like to see a photo of the police bowing down to revolutionary activist such as George Jackson, Huey P Newton, G Pratt, A Shakur, and many others.
motion to contrast with the ‘still-life’ I am living
143MOTION! I’ve been in solitary for 23 years & 3 days today. It’s like living in a still-life painting; that’s not living, it’s existing; being “in place.” So little “moves” here. I’d like to see things moving. Perhaps traffic at night, lights shining & the trails from lights whizzing past. Or water flowing from a stream, waterfall etc. that shows motion. Or snow while it is falling? Anything in MOTION!If it’s lights in traffic, I’d like a color photo. If it’s the water or snow I’d like black-n-white (if that even works to show motion)
full Wisconsin Badger team logo with W on his chest
187I would like to have a Wisconsin Badger Team Logo. I want the Full Badger with the “W” on his chest.I want the Background painted Red and I would like it to say “Bucky Barner” over the Badger Head in the Background and I’ll take the biggest size you can make. Also please paint the Badger his original color.
eagle soaring in pretty light blue skies
173A Eagle soaring in pretty light blue skies. Thank you! God Bless!
whatever is still up at 63rd + King, 63rd + Calumet, and 48th + Wabash
26You know what I would love to have some pictures of if you can get som, 63rd and “King Dr”—63rd and Calumet—48th Wabash and 61st Indiana this what I would like to see, like I say I been in prison for over #21 years it will be #22 years this year. So if you can make it happen I would appreciate it very much if you all can do it. I do understand it may not be anything up no more but I would like to see the street’s and I no what use to be up....I feel forgotten, cast away but God uses this times to show how he never forgets about us no matter what, and I will like to thank you all for everything you do and everyone at Tamms Years Ten. I do feel bless having you all in my life. I’m grateful.
a headless man trapped in a cracked mirror
204If possible, I would like to see a picture of a hand drawing a head-less man trapped in a cracked mirror.Be creative, make as realistic as possible, and no colors besides Black.
lake among the hills with a family playing at the shore
61A scenery of a lake among some hills full of grass, flowers along with some trees as birds flying in the sky, while I sit watching with my mother my grand-children play with their dogs and swim in the sun light.The figures should be suggestive of fair skin and black hair about 6 or 7 kids and 2 or 3 adults. Keep in mind we don't ever see the scenery no windows in PBSP/SHU.
Holy Mosque of Mecca, the Ka’aba in Saudi Arabia
24I am a Muslim here at Tamms.... I would like to receive a real photo of the Muslims house of worship, the holy Mosque of Mecca in Saudi Arabia... The Ka’aba.... which all Muslims face around the world to pray towards. I would like the picture of the Ka’aba the size of a (8.5 × 11). Surely it would be a pure blessing to me if you could fulfill this request for me, and greatly appreciated. Thank you.I would like the picture of the Holy Ka’aba to show the Mosque behind it in color.
Citi Field Park where the Mets are going to win the 2018 World Series!
217I would like a picture of the New York Mets home baseball field, Citi Field Park, which did not exist when I was home. I have been incarcerated since 2001, and Citi Field opened in 2009. I am a life-long Mets fan, and would like to see the new Park because the Mets are going to win the 2018 World Series!If possible, please include the Mets logo in the picture?
sunrise over the Sahara
115Sunrise over the Sahara. :)Enjoy it for me.
lion, tiger, or anything zooish
75Yes, thank you, im not picky. I use to visit the zoo a lot. Maybe a picture of a lion or tiger. Anything zooish. Thank you for your time and consideration.Thank you very much, may the good Lord bless you all.
early sunset over water with lone buoy in the distance
70An (early) sunset over water, the kind with lots of red and purple in the sky/clouds - idealy with a lone bouy in the distance.Wait till the tone resonates inside your soul - then you'll know you have the perfect sunset...
nice looking young lady with phat ass and pretty eyes
206A nice looking young lady wit banging body and some tights, shorts, showing that phat ass but able to see her face and pretty eyes at the same time, she can be black or spanish or white it all cool wit me. Also I’m trying to promote my two book I wrote. Log on Make sure she showing the backshot but at same time showing face.
African American family tree showing celebration of life events
100An African American family at a Thanksgiving/ Christmas dinner, background of kids graduation, sweet sixteens, grandchildren being born, family reunion, birthdays, hardships/funerals, church attendance, aspects of a family tree. Grandparents (Great Grands too) mother, father, and sons and daughters, cousins, wives and husbands, etc. etc.To show/express the unity and growth of family when times are good and bad. I MISS MY FAMILY, BEING THERE FOR THEM.
ancient Egyptian artifacts
11I would like to see any Egyptian Artifacts... / I enjoy history, culture and advances in civilization that is a part of this Ancient Empires greatness.No. I am grateful for these services.
street scene with children, teens, old men, and a woman with long dreads
183A woman with long dreads down her back out in the street, playing with a little boy and girl with two old men playing chess at a branch. On a mid day when the sun is going down and the sky is reddish. A few trees around with young teenagers who are on they phones, and red bandanna on they arms and back pocket. Make it look like it is a place in Time Square Manhattan
Aurora Borealis over snowy terrain with an angel praying among demonic gargoyles
124The Aurora Borealis (northern lights), a snowy terrain (mountain sight, river, trees, etc.), an angel (woman) on her knees looking up, wings spread wide, arms spread upward (as if praying to God) & demonic gargoyles circling as to attack her. *We live in such a beautiful world but demonic/wicked creatures endeavor to corrupt everyone in it to creat it ugly. Prison is the same!*Realistic as possible!
the African sunrise with orange horizon and tree silhouettes like the “Lion King” introduction
198I would love to receive the image of the African sun-rise with the orange horizon and silhouettes of the trees & birds!Please create the image of the “Lion King” introduction!
an African American guy in tan khaki pants thinking “I want Kimberly to like me for who I am”
194I would like a photograph of a African American guy standing by jail bars grapping the bars with 2 hand thinking to himself with the thinking icon next to him some thing like this. I would like the thinking icon to say: (I want Kimberly to like me for who I am not the image that I may oppose & Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning)I would like the photograph of the African American to be a medium built 5' 8", wavy hair, little mustache, with a tank top & Tan Khaki pants on, grapping the jail bars with 2 hands with the thinking icon with the above said things
police being arrested by regular citizens
171I’d like to see a picture depicting both police and elected officials being arrested by regular citizens, while walking in shame, through crowds of unified people of all ethnic groups, genders and ages.Under or above the picture it should say in cursive letters “True Justice is that which no one is exempt especially not those who are is position to cause the most damage to the country and we the people”
frogs surrounded by rocks and grass, or Fenway Park in Boston
103(1) I love (frogs) because I used to catch them when I was yung. I just want a photograph of a nice frog or (frogs) surrounded by rocks and grass. (2nd) would like a photo of the Fenway Park in Boston M. Thank you a lot.thank you for doing any work. both photograph sizes frogs 16-20- Fenway Park (Boston) 16-20
any crowd of people, at a concert, sporting event, wedding, beach, or crowded street
87Being in solitary for so many years I thought it would be great to have a picture of “a crowd of people." Any crowd will do but some ideas could be: a crowd of people at a concert, sporting event, a wedding, the beach, a crowded street such as N.Y. Times Square.The more people the better. Also I like to see detail. For example people's facial expressions, what kind of clothes they’re wearing etc.
Black man in sweats with bald head breaking out of shackles
88A Picture of a stocky black guy (cut up) in a tank top, sweats with a bald head breaking out of shakles on his wrists and legs. (ankles)Yes, if possible i want the quote: The Strong Survive Cant Stop a Soldier.
volunteers fighting to end solitary confinement, with symbols of freedom
123Personal photo’s of volunteer core group - org. member’s / In them a card exercising a silent - free speach held which depict personal thoughts of solitary confinement & thoughts about those of us who is being tortured. (scene) symbols of freedom eg. animals, creatures, etc sunny looking clouds — sun rays beaming on earth around clouds creating sun spots & cloud shadesCapture much detail as possible, use visionairy & insight skills.
“liberation”: me being released after 20 years in solitary
95I would like a photograph of “Liberation”. Description: Me being released from prison (e.g. “The S.H.U.”) after 20 years (e.g. “1994 to 2013”) being able to hold/touch another human being, while going to work in serving the people to end poverty, homelessness, corporate crime, mass incarnation, & the many other social & economical injustices of the world.* I’m enclosing a drawing of me to help with the visual process*Keep the photo authentic, by having it resonate feelings of love & human compassion for all oppressed people and disdain for capitalism, government corruption, etc.
Muslim female in a hijab, praying
221I would like to request a photo of a Muslim Female praying in a all black Hajab (a traditional Islamic garment)(to where her face isn’t visual) on top of the photo I would like for it to say “Despite the Spiritual Beauty within this Picture It’s something Missing” and at the bottom I would like for it to say: “a Man To Lead Her.”
Third World child with a dog rummaging through a dump
65I request of a picture of a 3rd World Child, with the dog in the background rummaging through the dump, as shown on television.Thank You for your consideration -
sunrise over the Adirondack Mountains or moon on a cloudless night
68Either the sunrise over the Adirondack Mtns or Atlantic Ocean. Or the moon and stars on a cloudless night with no light pollution. The night sky in it's natural state.For the sunrise, would it be possible to get it half way or a quarter of the way up barely peeking over the mtns or ocean. Thank you.
downtown Philadelphia at dusk from the top of South Street
188Photo Request from Solitary: I am from Philly, I am housed in Solitary Confinement at SCI Greene State Penitentiary. There’s a picturesque location at the top of south street before it turns into spruce street. You can see the skyline of downtown Philly, the water the skyscrapers at dusk, it's beautiful. Appreciate.At dusk, but not dark night, you can see everything with a dark light tint.
person deprived by solitary of sight, sound, and speech
169Attached is a brief description of a typical person s/he in solitary confinement with they senses snatched away from them by the vicious oppressors. In my image I put a person behind prison walls with all of the limbs but the or faces of the face are gone (ears, eyes, mouth) cuz we can’t see, talk, or hear from our love ones causing division driving the ppl involved to insanity in the mind while the body remains in tact just like the terrible disease while your support team keeps their senses but fails to use them!Bring pain from my heart to your paint brush. Help me bleed on your portrait so ppl can recognize mass incarceration for what it really is i.e. profit for the oppressors
cat sitting on a window at dusk
63I would like a photo of a cat sitting on a window ledge at dusk. With a beautiful back ground...Yes, also please send me your information, so that I can keep in touch.
sun rising off the crust of the earth over the blackness of the ocean
116“A Picture of the Sun Rising off The Crust of The Earth, with A Quarter of the Bottom End of the Sun Remaining Hidden Behind The Blackness Of The Ocean.” Titled: “During Ancient Times The Sun Was Considered The Manifestation of GOD, Because When The Sun Rise it Activates Life; Bird’s Sing, Insect’s Fly, Flowers Bloosom And Men And Women Get up To Go To Work, But When The Sunset’s, Life Rest In Peace, .
scenes of Jesus Knocking at the Door, Crucifixion, Lord’s Supper, Sacred Heart, and also a Bible
1I would like a picture of Jesus Christ or even several pictures like this. Crucifixion, Lords Supper, Sacred Heart, Jesus Knocking at a Door, Any Kind of Pictures of Jesus.Can I get 5" × 10" or 8" × 10"? I would like a leather bound New International Version Study Bible if you can get me one. Please.
freestanding columns at the Great Temple of Amun, Karnak
76Im a big fan of ancient Egyptian architecture. Can you send me a nice photograph of the freestanding columns at the Great Temple of Amun, Karnak. — Someday I will go myself. Ive been researching this civilization for 10 years strait.Thank you.
A sketching or printout I dont mind =)
prison yard with a line of shackled angels being tortured by demons in uniform
107I would like a prison yard scene with a cell block behind the yard and on the yard you see weights, barbwire fence, a line of shackled angels being tortured by demons. Who are dressed in CO uniforms with horns on their foreheads and fangs in their mouths. I've enclosed a example on how I would like the image to look. Thank you!I would like the whole scene colored in like a marvel comic book scene.
sun and rainbow above the scales of justice
179The sun station up in the blue sky on the left hand side and its rays of light illuminating over a multiple color rainbow. Inside the semicircular arch a scale of justice with a protractor, trowel-brick tool, compass v-shared device for drawing circles and T-square on the left plate of the scale, lifting books on the right side plate with titles such as: Supreme Justice Tangible Wisdom Empirical Knowledge All objects mention above are to be above a pyramid drawing shape like a “resultant” vectorial sun.Dimensions for objects and scene 12 inches by 12 inches.
portrait of a beautiful New Afrikan “Queen”
90Respectfully request provision of a photograph/portrait of a beautiful New Afrikan (Black) “Queen” ! . . .Asante sana (thank you very much) keep up the good, positive, productive, progressive work! . . .
everyday movements in NY, such as people going to work, pizza, breakdancers, skyscrapers, stray cat, and motion in silence
144I would like a photo of New York, especially Brooklyn, I am more into the scenes of everyday movements in New York. The train, people going to work, pictures of food, especially pizza, fashion and the music scene, drummers on pale buckets, breakdancers, etc.I would like to capture motion in silence. A stray cat, a homeless person. Skyscrapers.
silverback gorilla breaking out of his shackles
162A picture of a gorilla (silverback) with handcuffs & shackles on but their broke and the chains are hanging off his wrist & feet.
wooded scene with doe and twin fawns
72I would like to have a painting of the outdoors, maybe a wooded scene, with maybe a doe and twin fawns.Anything would be appreciated. I have been locked away since 1983.
Hispanic male on floor of prison cell with words on the walls “why can’t we be merciful”
208A picture of a Hispanic male, inside a small prison cell, sitting on the floor, crying. On the prison cell walls, I would like the words to say, “Rehabilitation?” “Solitary Confinement is Death by Incarcerations.” “My past doesn’t define me.” “Everyone makes mistakes.” “If God can show mercy, why can’t we be merciful to each other?” “All Lives Matter.” To have the comments mentioned above be clear & vibrant.
ocean sunset with birds flying and dolphins or whales swimming
60I would like to request a photograph of a scene of the ocean with a sunset and the bright sun illuminating the water and creating an orange/red sky and also within the photo have a flock of birds in a V formation flying towards the sunset and in the ocean have either dolphins or whales swimmung towards the sunset as well and any other animals of the ocean and sky. I have never seen an ocean sunset as I have been incarcerated for almost 20 years and I miss the aspect of nature and being free to fly around the world like a bird or a dolphin. Being in solitary confinement prohibits from touching dirt, grass, or even a tree and any part of nature or animals or anything from another earth. As long as the sunrises and sunsets everyday there is hope for life on the other side to be a part of humanity and not be treated like a caged animal or herd of cows being moved from one cave or cage to the next withought any human and social life at all.
crumbling down of a prison with people of all races and classes celebrating including revolutionaries Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera
141I am abolitionist. I would like to have a photo that shows the crumbling of a prison with people of all races surrounding this prison celebrating the abolishment of prison. In the background the faces of revolutionaries such as MLK, George Jackson, Malcolm X and more should be seen, as a tribute to these fallen comrades.All races, classes and groups need to be included in the photo. Make sure Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera are included in the depictions
beautiful Hispanic woman being helped off the ground by God
148I would like to see me a beautiful Hispanic woman with long hair being helped off the ground (like off my face and hands and knees) by our creator, by God.“From your heart."
Name it --> God always gives second chances.
Thank you for considering me. I appreciate it.
black female in black leather pants next to a powder blue Benz
106I would like a photograph of a female in black leather pants with the same material stitches but a different color like hot pink all which that can define her figures with a setting of orange and blue in the sky posted up next to a benz (powder blue) in a park black female with hazel eyes.Colorful!
half-human, half-steel android within a concrete cell
164Human android of old age that is part human - concrete - steel, stationary within concrete cell. White bearded with glasses and tall. Idea is that after 27 yrs of solitary confinement the human morphs into concrete and steel as a symbol of what solitary confinement will drain from a human and become him.
Michael Jordan statue in front of the United Center in Chicago
35I would like a photograph of Madison and Ashland looking West towards the United Center, and if you could, I would like a full frontal view of the Michael Jordan statue in front of the United Center. THANK YOU!Go to the corner of Madison & Ashland and take picture’s of all 4 corners, then walk to the United Center and take a picture of the “MJ” statue.
photo of myself, the first one since 1996
13I would like to have a photograph of myself! The only picture I’ve had of me is my I.D. and thats been since 1996.
ship of change tossing us lifesavers
174A huge ship in the ocean with lifesavers being tossed from the ship into the ocean that has people in it looking like they’re about to drown but is being saved. On the side of the ship I would love the name MAJOR CHANGEPlease make it as real as you can & thank you so much. I have 20 years in the hold & I’m only 44
natural world in a state of harmony, free from humans
166I envision a Natural world devoid of humans & human trappings. I would love to see a world where Nature is Nature at it’s most natural state, a world free of pollution, concrete, steel, hate, bitterness, apathy, complacency; a world where nature is utterly free and in harmony as Mother Earth intended for her inhabitants be they critters or elements or flora. Barring that, a world after the collapse of society and its trappings and thus a Mother Earth returning to her rightful and deserving respected state of union and harmony with all her inhabitants, anarchism by the removing humans in practice.If possible, I would love to correspond with the artist about their process of designing and imagination.
imprisoned African American woman, surviving her past
152An image of an african american woman behind bars, standing sideways, head back, arms flaired in back of her — with a mist of her past being shedded off of her. Maybe the girl could be in color, or bars, walls could fade into color or bars, walls, & mist be in grayish hues. Example — my past: prostitution, drugs, rape, molestation and all the emotions that come with them. *a really ugly mist — yet she’s beautiful once she sheds it in an ugly place — prison.Ugly grayish hues for everything except the woman who is colorful and beautiful even in prison. Some mist must remain on the woman to show she’s shedding it/her past.
ancient Ghanaian Adinkira symbol
181It’s an Ancient Ghananian Adinkira symbol meaning “God is the supreme power.” Gue Nyame Background color of your choice of: Yellow Gold, Green or Red, or combine using your imagination (not to blend, but separately) if you do it in paint.At least to have it in size 6 1/2 width × 9 length drawn in pencil or in Black ink or paint (Do not fold), make sure symbol reflects exact image upright and upside down, drawn on Art paper or Art canvas.
photo within a photo of me and wild lions, me and wild wolves, me and Navy Pier, and me and Chinese Dragon
101. A photograph within a photo of me + the Lake Front. 2. A photograph within a photo of me + the Navy Pier. 3. A photograph within a photo of me + wild lions. 4. A photograph within a photo of me + wild wolves. 5. A photograph within a photo of me + Chinese Dragon. for next Christmas mailing of cards.Yes, please place me in the right, upper corner of the photos within a photo + make copies of them 5 each. Thank you very much + many blessings<3 get my photo off the Tamms, prison profile website.